El 13 de noviembre de 1974, a las 03:15 de la madrugada, Ronald DeFeo asesinó a sus padres y a sus cuatro hermanos en Amityville. Su argumento fue que oyó unas voces procedentes de la casa que le instaban a matar a su familia a sangre fría.
Un año después del juicio contra Ronald, una nueva familia se mudó a esta casa de Ocean Avenue: los Lutz. Después de pagar US $80.000 por ella, la familia dijo que vivió unos 28 días en compañía de fenómenos paranormales que pusieron en peligro su vida. Asustados, huyeron sin sus pertenencias para nunca más volver.
Desde los Lutz, la casa ha ido pasando de dueño en dueño y ninguno de ellos ha confesado haber vivido nada parecido. Por esto, la veracidad de la historia se ha puesto en duda sin impedir que se considere al edificio como una de las casas embrujadas más populares del folklore estadounidense.
El horror de Amityvile que experimentó la familia Lutz fue una farsa creada por un elemento secreto de los Estados Unidos de América. La familia Lutz sí experimentó un evento extraordinario pero no fue sobrenatural.
El gobierno de Estados Unidos desarrolló tecnología de agresión sónica que puede ser usada para hacer creer a la gente que su casa está embrujada. La tecnología produce una rayo de sonido (que puede ser descrito como un laser sónico), que atraviesa paredes y casas sin causar daño a las estructuras. El rayo de sonido puede ser audible, ultrasónico (por encima del rango audible) o infrasónico (por debajo del rango audible). Esta tecnología ha existido desde 1950.
Una persona agredida por esta tecnología de ataque sónico podría:
1) Escuchar voces o sonidos que nadie más puede oír.
2)Sensación de la presencia de un espíritu o un fantasma.
3)Despertar a cierta hora de la noche a intervalos regulares.
4)Tener esadillas
5)Oír sonidos fuertes que parecerían venir del techo.
6)Escuchar sonidos de baja frecuencia que parecerían venir de fuera de la casa.
7)Experimentar sacudidas de miembros del cuerpo.
Esta tecnología puede ser operada desde una casa vecina. El rayo de sonido generado puede apuntarse a una sola persona o a una familia entera al mismo tiempo. Una persona atacada por esta tecnología puede facilmente confundir lo que siente con una experiencia sobrenatural. El rayo se usaría para levantar a ciertos miembros de la familia a intervalos regulares durante la noche, también puede proyectar sonidos audibles solo para una persona en la casa. Si los agentes apuntan a la cabeza de una persona mientras duerme, esta sufrirá de pesadillas. Un ultrasonido pasando a través de las piernas puede producir sensación de quemazón. Sacudidas en los miembros pueden ser causadas pasando una poderosa "bala" de ultrasonido a través de esta parte del cuerpo. Arrojar ultrasonidos hacia una persona puede crear la sensación de que hay una presencia no definida. Cuando esta tecnología es utilizada no deja ninguna evidencia física.
El verdadero horror de Amityville comienza con la matanza de la familia DeFeo, y es una de las razones para sospechar que el gobierno creo la saga: La familia DeFeo tenía conexiones con el crimen organizado, Ronnie DeFeo Jr. dice haber oído voces diciéndole que mate a su familia, lo que indicaría que que la tecnología descrita pudo haber sido usada en él. La forma en que la familia DeFeo fue asesinada indicaría que más de una persona fue responsable, hasta hoy la versión oficial es criticada duramente. Ronnie DeFeo Jr. ha negado varias veces que el tuvo algo que ver en la matanza e inculpa al crimen organizado. El sacerdote que bendijo la casa para la familia Lutz escuchó una voz diciendole que se vaya y enseguida recibió una bofetada de una entidad invisible, dos de las cosas que la tecnología descrita puede hacer.
Entonces tenemos agentes operando en casas vecinas y monitoreando a sus habitantes: un tipo de vigilancia usada cuando se va tras miembros del crimen organizado, cuando esto sucede no se necesita garantizar ninguna seguridad porque los agentes están operando debajo de la ley. El gobierno crea tragedias en ciertas circunstancias para realizar "ingeniería social", es decir, desviar la atención del público de los hechos para su conveniencia.
Lee más:
No se ve el cambio a simple vista.
Como la lava que se alista a irrumpir en el mundo,
la materia del devenir está bajo la superficie.
Como la lava que se alista a irrumpir en el mundo,
la materia del devenir está bajo la superficie.
viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010
miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010
¿QUÉ GAFAS ME COMPRO? (artículo en inglés)
Luxottica Makes All Your Sunglasses
Remember back when you watched The Matrix for the first time and ran down to the store to buy sunglasses and a trench coat? There were so many sunglass brands to choose from: Oakley, Ray-Ban, Revo, Vogue, DKNY, and if you must have only the best, $500 designer glasses from Prada and BVLGARI (which has that V-instead-of-a-U thing, so you know it's classy like ancient Rome).
Which was famous for its sunglasses.The thing is, all of those are made by one manufacturer -- Luxottica. Starting off as a tiny Italian glasses company, Luxottica caught the 1980s fever (see Wall Street) and started buying every glasses-related company it could get its hands on, as well as talking pretty much every fashion designer into letting them make their sunglasses line.
Well, at least you get to pick between stores, right? If the people at the LensCrafters are being dicks while selling you different glasses all made by Luxottica, you can show them what you think of that by taking your business across the mall to the Pearle Vision. Or maybe the Sears or Target optical departments. Except that they are also all owned by Luxottica. Just for the sake of argument let's say that you're not a squinty-eyed nerd, so you pass by the prescription shops and go right to the Sunglass Hut. You guessed it. Luxottica.
This is of course why they can charge you $200 for a piece of plastic with two hinges -- because most of the "competition" isn't actually competing with them. They are them. It also means that if anyone came up with a mind control chip you could put into glasses, they could have the whole world enslaved within months.
Keep Earth free! Get your glasses from Costco!
Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_18845_6-secret-monopolies-you-didnt-know-run-world.html#ixzz13bHmSF00
Which was famous for its sunglasses.
This is of course why they can charge you $200 for a piece of plastic with two hinges -- because most of the "competition" isn't actually competing with them. They are them. It also means that if anyone came up with a mind control chip you could put into glasses, they could have the whole world enslaved within months.
Keep Earth free! Get your glasses from Costco!
Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_18845_6-secret-monopolies-you-didnt-know-run-world.html#ixzz13bHmSF00
jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010
Imagery of the 33 Chilean Miners' Rescue
Vigilant | October 14th, 2010
The rescue of the 33 unfortunate Chilean miners has definitely turn into an international media event. All aspects of the rescue have been carefully staged to make the entire thing a spectacular show inspiring emotions, admiration and national pride. For those knowledgeable of Masonic and occult symbolism, it is hard not to ponder on the numerological and symbolic facts of the event. Here are some of them:
1- The number of Miners
The number 33 is of great importance in Freemasonry and in Qabbalistic system of numbers. It can be found in many instances in Masonic lore.
"For example, consider the number 33. The first temple of Solomon stood for thirty-three years in its pristine splendor. At the end of that time it was pillaged by the Egyptian King Shishak, and finally (588 B.C.) it was completely destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and the people of Jerusalem were led into captivity to Babylon. (See General History of Freemasonry, by Robert Macoy.) Also King David ruled for thirty-three years in Jerusalem; the Masonic Order is divided into thirty-three symbolic degrees; there are thirty-three segments in the human spinal column; and Jesus was crucified in the thirty-third year of His life."
- Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages
"Alchemy is a threefold art, its mystery well symbolized by a triangle. Its symbol is 3 times 3 – three elements or processes in three worlds or spheres. The 3 times 3 is part of the mystery of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry, for 33 is 3 times 3, which is 9, the number of esoteric man and the number of emanations from the root of the Divine Tree."
- Ibid
2- The Date of the Event
The date of the start of the rescue is also significant:
10/13/10 which can qabbalistically be calculated this way: 10 + 13 + 10 which equals…33.
3- The Phoenix
The name of the rescue device was named "Fénix" (Phoenix), which is the bird that rose from its ashes. Once again, the selection of the name Phoenix, a mythological creature holding a great importance in occult mysteries, is quite interesting. The bird is considered a symbol of accomplishment of alchemical transmutation, a process equivalent to human regeneration.
"In the Mysteries it was customary to refer to initiates as phoenixes or men who had been born again, for just as physical birth gives man consciousness in the physical world, so the neophyte, after nine degrees in the womb of the Mysteries, was born into a consciousness of the Spiritual world."
- Ibid.
4- The Number of Days it Took to Drill the Hole... 33.
"The work took 33 days total, one day a man," said Mikhail Proestakis, manager of Driller Supply Company, which participated in the drilling of the rescue shaft with a diameter of 66 centimetres, which is 33 times two.
"I believe in numerology, it has to mean something."
- Source
5- The First Note Sent by the Miners
"Others call attention to the first note the miners sent up to show they were still alive – "estamos bien en el refugio los 33" (all 33 of us are in the shelter) – which was 33 characters in length."
- Ibid
6- The Symbolism of the Event
To summarize the rescue event, 33 miners, who were trapped for 69 days in the depths and darkness of the underground were lifted one by one, on 10/13/10 in a device called "Fenix" – a creature representative of occult initiation – to the light of day. As they say "Ex tenebris lux": From darkness to light.
With these facts in mind, I'm asking you this: was the Chilean Miner's rescue a Masonic mega-ritual?
Vigilant | October 14th, 2010
The rescue of the 33 unfortunate Chilean miners has definitely turn into an international media event. All aspects of the rescue have been carefully staged to make the entire thing a spectacular show inspiring emotions, admiration and national pride. For those knowledgeable of Masonic and occult symbolism, it is hard not to ponder on the numerological and symbolic facts of the event. Here are some of them:
1- The number of Miners
The number 33 is of great importance in Freemasonry and in Qabbalistic system of numbers. It can be found in many instances in Masonic lore.
"For example, consider the number 33. The first temple of Solomon stood for thirty-three years in its pristine splendor. At the end of that time it was pillaged by the Egyptian King Shishak, and finally (588 B.C.) it was completely destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and the people of Jerusalem were led into captivity to Babylon. (See General History of Freemasonry, by Robert Macoy.) Also King David ruled for thirty-three years in Jerusalem; the Masonic Order is divided into thirty-three symbolic degrees; there are thirty-three segments in the human spinal column; and Jesus was crucified in the thirty-third year of His life."
- Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages
"Alchemy is a threefold art, its mystery well symbolized by a triangle. Its symbol is 3 times 3 – three elements or processes in three worlds or spheres. The 3 times 3 is part of the mystery of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry, for 33 is 3 times 3, which is 9, the number of esoteric man and the number of emanations from the root of the Divine Tree."
- Ibid
2- The Date of the Event
The date of the start of the rescue is also significant:
10/13/10 which can qabbalistically be calculated this way: 10 + 13 + 10 which equals…33.
3- The Phoenix
The name of the rescue device was named "Fénix" (Phoenix), which is the bird that rose from its ashes. Once again, the selection of the name Phoenix, a mythological creature holding a great importance in occult mysteries, is quite interesting. The bird is considered a symbol of accomplishment of alchemical transmutation, a process equivalent to human regeneration.
"In the Mysteries it was customary to refer to initiates as phoenixes or men who had been born again, for just as physical birth gives man consciousness in the physical world, so the neophyte, after nine degrees in the womb of the Mysteries, was born into a consciousness of the Spiritual world."
- Ibid.
4- The Number of Days it Took to Drill the Hole... 33.
"The work took 33 days total, one day a man," said Mikhail Proestakis, manager of Driller Supply Company, which participated in the drilling of the rescue shaft with a diameter of 66 centimetres, which is 33 times two.
"I believe in numerology, it has to mean something."
- Source
5- The First Note Sent by the Miners
"Others call attention to the first note the miners sent up to show they were still alive – "estamos bien en el refugio los 33" (all 33 of us are in the shelter) – which was 33 characters in length."
- Ibid
6- The Symbolism of the Event
To summarize the rescue event, 33 miners, who were trapped for 69 days in the depths and darkness of the underground were lifted one by one, on 10/13/10 in a device called "Fenix" – a creature representative of occult initiation – to the light of day. As they say "Ex tenebris lux": From darkness to light.
With these facts in mind, I'm asking you this: was the Chilean Miner's rescue a Masonic mega-ritual?
Researchers demonstrate portable, solar-powered water desalination
Researchers demonstrate portable, solar-powered water desalination system
Stephen C. Webster
Saturday, October 16th, 2010
About one in eight humans do not have access to clean drinking water, according to the World Health Organization. That's approximately 884 million people.
The repercussion of this reality are a daily reality in developing nations: an estimated 1.4 million children perish each year due to diarrhea brought on by waterborne bacteria. In spite of breathtaking advances in human technology, over 97 percent of the world's water is still undrinkable.
This full-scale rendering may represent the future of clean water for those who have none.
And while salty or impure water can be cleaned through existing water desalination technologies, the facilities needed are massive and consume vast amounts of energy. It's costly, too: purifying sea water can cost "over $1,000 per acre-foot," according to the US Geological Survey. Even worse, of the roughly 12,500 desalination plants operating as of 2002, their combined total output was equal to less than 1 percent of humanity's daily water consumption.
All of these factors combine to effectively place clean water out of reach for most of the world's poor.
Enter the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Field and Space Robotics Laboratory, which has developed and successfully tested a portable, solar-powered water desalination system that has the potential to save millions of lives the world over.
Under the guidance of Profs. Steven Dubowsky and Richard Wiesman, the group created a small, reverse-osmosis system that's capable of producing up to 80 gallons of clean water per day. A scaled-up version of the system could produce up to 1,000 gallons per day, according to David Gabriel, writing for the Environmental News Network.
One of the military's C-130 cargo planes could theoretically carry up to 24 of these systems, Gabriel noted. With 24,000 gallons of clean water per day, that's enough to sustain a population of approximately 10,000.
"The system is designed to be cost effective," he explained. "It is made from standard parts such as PVC pipe and basic electronic components. It can be assembled and operated by local people who do not need advanced technical training. The units can also operate efficiently in a wide range of weather conditions. They have built in computers with sensors that can change certain variables if it gets cloudy. For example, the computer can adjust power going to the pump or the position of the valves to ensure the system will always produce water."
miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010
5 Reasons The Future Will Be Ruled By B.S.
Picture your ideal future. OK, not your ideal future, where you're the last man on earth fighting the zombie horde, but society's ideal future: Energy is clean and limitless, goods are plentiful and machines take care of all the dirty work. So everybody's happy, right? But in many ways, that future is already here, and it can be described in five letters: FARTS. I should probably explain. #5. A Star Trek-Style Utopia is Already Here ... Sort Of If I gave you a budget of zero dollars and said, "Get me as much Internet porn as you can for that amount of money," how much porn would you come back with? I'm thinking the answer is, "All of the porn." That credit card is to order extra Scotchgard. If you want to know what the future looks like, there it is. The future is going to hang on whether or not businesses will be able to convince you to pay money for things you can otherwise get for free. Some of you think I'm about to talk about file sharing and DRM and the evil record labels. But that's just a teaser of what's coming. The world has changed. All the rules we were trained to believe about society from birth until now are about to go out the window. One way or the other. Huzzah! Look at how many of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs they're getting digitally: Everything from that second tier to the capstone, they can get at a cost that rounds down to zero, if they so choose. We Internet types are so busy haggling over video games with DRM that we're not grasping the scale of this. We're like a dog who's been cooped up behind a fence his whole life, and now a storm has knocked down the gate. The dog looks out and thinks, "Wow, out there is the front yard!" No, Fluffy. Out there is the whole world. #4. To Stay Afloat, Businesses Have to Pretend Unlimited Goods are Limited House music and MDMA for everyone! Because this is where shit gets absurd. For instance: Public libraries have been lending out books to people, for free, for the last 500 years or so. Publishers are OK with it because the library is paying for the book, and if it's a popular book, they'll buy multiple copies so multiple people can check it out at once. Then they'll replace those every couple of years, because if you read a book too much it falls apart at the binding. But then the publisher invented a better book. An indestructible book called an ebook that could be read 10 billion times without ever falling apart. How much does it cost to manufacture this marvel? Not a goddamned penny. The readers have the ability to "manufacture" copies of their own, on their computer, at no cost to the publisher. It's a post-scarcity book. So for the publishers, the next step was clear: Make the book destroy itself. An ebook sold to a library will thus delete itself out of existence after a year, or after X number of times it had been lent out. This is a big source of controversy between publishers and public libraries, maybe because both of them know they've found the loose thread that can unravel all of society. After all: A. Why can't the library just buy as many digital copies as are needed for the customers, and keep them forever, if they don't naturally degrade? B. Wait a second. It's just a digital file. Why not just buy one copy, and just copy and paste it for every customer who wants to read it? C. Wait a second. Why do you need the library at all? Why can't a customer just buy a copy from the publisher and "lend" copies to all of his friends? D. Wait a second. If no printing and binding needs to be done, why do you need the publisher? Just buy it directly from the author. E. Waaaaait a second. Why buy it? Once the author makes one copy available, why can't everyone just grab it for free? Stop and think about everything that just vanished there. Skyscrapers full of publishing company employees, warehouses full of books, book stores, libraries, factories full of printing presses, paper mills, all the stuff the author bought with his writing money. Gone. "Fuckers!" Mark my words: The future will be ruled by FARTS. Remember the debut of Sony's futuristic Matrix-style virtual world, PlayStation Home? There was a striking moment when the guys at Penny Arcade logged in and found themselves in a virtual bowling alley... standing in line. Waiting for a lane to open up. In a virtual world where the bowling alley didn't actually exist. It's all just ones and zeros on a server--the bowling lanes should be effectively infinite, but where there should have been thousands of lanes for anybody who wanted one, there was only FARTS. > Get used to it.#3. Arbitrary Restriction of Goods Is the Future Awesome, right? After all, you're not going to do what the Man tells you to do. You're not going to tolerate a future where corporations try to slap a price tag on readily available goods. It'd be like -- I don't know -- making a woman pay huge amounts of money for something that could be accomplished with her own bodily fluids. Or spending money on candles when you have perfectly good earwax. Sitting next to me is a bottle of Aquafina water. It's there because in the 1990s, both Pepsi and Coke noticed cola sales were flat, so they bought tap water -- the same stuff I have an effectively infinite supply of -- stuck it in bottles, put a picture of a mountain on the label and upped the price by 20,000 percent. Then I paid for it. Capitalism. Because spending is easier than thinking. And man, don't even look at my PC. I have on it a copy of Windows 7 -- a $200 full copy, because I was installing it on a new hard drive. The upgrade version is only $100, and by the way, they're the exact same product -- all the data is on both disks. The cheap one just has a thing that detects whether you have a previous version of Windows on the drive and refuses to install if you don't. For an extra $20, they'll throw in an animated cut-scene of Clippy being crucified. They've been training us to pay for nothing, and we're all going along with it. Tell me I won't find any FARTS at your desk. |
Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_18817_5-reasons-future-will-be-ruled-by-b.s..html?wa_user1=4&wa_user2=Tech&wa_user3=article&wa_user4=moreon#ixzz12v2Mjcjp
martes, 19 de octubre de 2010
10 Events Surrounding September 11
People all over the world are familiar with what happened on September 11, 2001. On that morning, 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four US commercial passenger jet airliners and intentionally crashed two of them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. The Twin Towers collapsed within two hours of being struck by the planes. Civilians from over 70 countries were killed in the attacks, with a total of 2,995 casualties. In the months before and after September 11, many important international events occurred. On October 7, 2001, the US military’s Operation Enduring Freedom was launched, starting the War in Afghanistan. This list will be documenting ten news stories and international events surrounding September 11, 2001.10
Enron Scandal Revealed
Most Americans are familiar with the failure of the Enron Corporation. Enron was an American energy company based out of Houston, Texas. In 2000, Enron was one of the largest businesses in the world. They had working operations in many areas, mainly electricity, natural gas, communications and pulp and paper. Amazingly, Enron claimed revenues of nearly $101 billion in 2000. The problems for Enron started from the beginning, when a group of executives in the company began misleading the board of directors and audit committee. They did this by hiding billions of dollars in debt, acquired from failed deals and projects. In the months following 9/11, the illegal activity caught up with Enron and the company failed. Enron stock holders lost nearly $11 billion, and the resulting scandal marked the largest bankruptcy reorganization in American history at that time.
The Enron scandal ended the business career of accounting firm Arthur Andersen. Arthur Andersen Corporation was found guilty of unlawful practice in the auditing of Enron. In October of 2001, one month after the attacks in New York and Washington, details of the Enron scandal were leaked to the world press. The story sparked a panic among Enron stock holders, and by December 2, 2001, Enron Corp. filed for one of the largest corporate bankruptcies in US history, with assets of $63.4 billion. Because of the failure, new regulations and legislation were enacted to expand the reliability of financial reporting for public companies. Many conspiracy theories have been formed around the Enron Scandal, and the date on which it was revealed to the public. Most of these claims document the ties between former Texas Governor George W. Bush and Enron founder Kenneth Lay.
Executive Order 13233
In 1972, thousands of official and unofficial FBI records were destroyed, upon the death of J. Edgar Hoover. In fact, in the past it was common practice for high ranking officials to destroy their most important business documents. For this reason, in 1974 the US Congress passed the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act, placing the presidential records of Richard Nixon in federal custody to prevent their destruction. The Act was meant to reduce secrecy at the highest levels of government, and to give historians the materials they need to perform their duties. The Presidential Records Act of 1978 expanded such protection of historical records. This was accomplished by mandating that all records of former presidents automatically become the property of the federal government upon leaving the Oval Office.
The presidential papers of Ronald Reagan and Vice President George Bush were due to be made public when George W. Bush took office in January, 2001. However, George W. Bush first delayed the release for 90 days, and then repeated the action, pushing the date back into September, 2001. On November 1, 2001, Bush issued Executive Order 13233, limiting public access to the records of former U.S. presidents. The Bush executive order also includes the documents of former vice presidents. Many people were critical of this action, claiming that it violated both the “spirit and letter of existing US laws.” The order severely curtailed public access to presidential records and added to delays in obtaining materials from presidential libraries. On January 21, 2009, Executive Order 13233 was revoked, by executive order of President Barack Obama on his first day in office. Obama essentially restored the original Executive Order 12667.
During his presidency, George W. Bush was accused of acting in violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978. In 2007, the Bush White House e-mail controversy was revealed. The event started when George W. Bush initiated the, unprecedented, midterm dismissal of seven United States Attorneys on December 7, 2006. The U.S. attorneys were replaced with interim appointees, under provisions in the 2005 USA PATRIOT Act reauthorization. Following the action, a congressional request was called looking for documents indicating why the attorneys were fired. This caused the Bush administration to reveal the fact that not all internal White House emails were available, because they were sent via a non-government domain, that was hosted on an e-mail server not controlled by the federal government. In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been deleted by the Bush administration.
2001 Atlantic Hurricane Season
Hurricane Erin was the first, and longest lived, hurricane in the 2001 Atlantic hurricane season. The storm developed from a tropical wave on September 1, 2001, and by September 9 it strengthened into a full blown hurricane. Hurricane Erin passed within 100 miles of Bermuda, and created nasty weather and rip currents along the East Coast of the United States. On September 11, Erin decelerated as it turned to the east, but the hurricane would gain power over Canada and not dissipate until September 15. It is an interesting story because many flights and air traffic control workers were directly affected by Hurricane Erin. The storm produced 6 foot swells off the coast of North Carolina.
The second hurricane of the 2001 season struck on September 12, 2001. The storm is named Hurricane Felix and it originated 1,500 miles (2414 km) south of the Azores. Felix did not impact land, but caused weather problems for boats and aircraft. Hurricane Gabrielle was the third hurricane recorded during the 2001 Atlantic hurricane season. The storm developed on September 11, 2001, in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico. By September 13, Gabrielle intensified and accelerated northeastward toward Venice, Florida. On September 14, the storm made landfall near Venice, Florida, and was soon categorized as a hurricane. Hurricane Gabrielle caused heavy rainfall and bad weather conditions in Florida, Alabama, Bermuda and Canada. Three people were reported to have died in the storm, and it caused $230 million in damages. It is truly unfortunate that the September 11th terrorist attacks fell in line with a string of high powered hurricanes.
Abnormal Stock Trading
In the week prior to 9/11, an “extraordinary” amount of put options were placed on United Airlines and American Airlines stocks. If you are unfamiliar with the stock market, a put option is financial contract between two parties that will offer the buyer insurance against a company’s excessive loss. Someone who purchases a put option is expecting a stock to drop or they are protecting their assets. Between September 6 and 7, 4,744 put options were purchased on United Airlines stock, compared to 396 call options. On September 10, 4,516 put options were purchased on American Airlines, as compared to 748 call options. The trading activity was 600% above the normal level. United and American Airlines were the only two companies who had planes hijacked on 9/11. There were also an abnormal number of put options purchased in companies who had a stake in the World Trade Centers.
The majority of the suspicious trading was linked to Deutsche Bank Alex Brown. On September 12, 2001, the head of the bank, Mayo A. Shattuck III, resigned from office. The previous director of the bank was A. B. Krongard, who is the former head of the CIA. Citigroup Inc and Morgan Stanley also received an abnormal number of put options, and both companies held offices in the World Trade Centers, and saw a decrease in stock price after the attacks. On September 10, 2001, Raytheon, a defense contractor, had an anomalously high number of call options traded. The Securities and Exchange Commission launched an insider trading investigation, in which Osama Bin Laden was a suspect, but no action was taken. The trading was traced to areas all over the world, with most activity occurring in the UK, Italy, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, France and the US.
In the days prior to 9/11, the Chicago Exchange saw the highest number of United and American Airlines options traded in history. The names of the investors remain a mystery, because they never claimed their money. After it was discovered that a single U.S.-based institutional investor, with no conceivable ties to al Qaeda, purchased a large amount of these options, the 9/11 Commission dismissed the importance of the events. Unfortunately, the abnormal trading did not tip off law enforcement, as intelligence agencies constantly monitor the stock exchange and the sudden rise in activity could have allowed analysts to “connect the dots” and see that a major event was about to take place involving American Airlines, United Airlines and The World Trade Centers. However, nobody could have imagined the scale of the tragedy.
Death of Ahmad Shah Massoud
In 1979, the Soviet Union began their ten year long conflict with Afghanistan. Ahmad Shah Massoud was a military leader that played a leading role in driving the Soviet army out of Afghanistan in the late 1980s. His military prowess made him a hero in Afghanistan, earning him the nickname Lion of Panjshir. During the war, Massoud was known for his strategic and mass ambushes against Soviet and Afghan convoys. In 1983, the Soviets offered Massoud a truce, which he accepted. He then turned his attention to expanding the Afghan resistance movement, and liberating the northern provinces of Afghanistan. Massoud’s military forces were considered the most effective of all the various Afghan resistance movements.
In the middle of the 1990s, the Taliban took control of approximately 90 percent of Afghanistan. In response, Massoud formed an alliance to fight the Taliban, and provided shelter for people fleeing Afghan cities. However, on September 9, 2001, two days prior to 9/11, Ahmad Shah Massoud was killed by a suicide bomber at Khwaja Bahauddin, in Takhar Province, northeastern Afghanistan. The assassins may have intended to attack several Northern Alliance council members simultaneously because others were killed. Prior to his death, Massoud had warned the European Parliament that a terrorist attack was evident. The timing of the assassination is considered significant by people who believe Osama bin Laden ordered the murder, and wanted Massoud dead before staging the 9/11 attacks. Ahmad Shah Massoud died a national hero, and hundreds of thousands of people attended his funeral. The date of his death, September 9, is observed as a national holiday in Afghanistan, known as Massoud Day.
US Government Exercises
On September 11, 2001, the United States government held a series of military exercises and drills. Operation Northern Vigilance was a NORAD operation, which involved deploying fighter aircraft to the northwestern part of North America, specifically Alaska and Northern Canada. The exercise was one part simulation, one part real world. It was in response to a similar test acted out by Russia on September 11, where long-range bombers were dispatched to Russia’s high north. The exercises were immediately called off after the news of the terrorist attacks and all simulated information was purged from NORADs computer screens. However, the event was a distraction for the US government on 9/11.
Operation Northern Vigilance was not the only US exercise planned for September 11. A series of war games were also acted out, specifically Global Guardian. Global Guardian is an annual, command-level exercise held in the United States. It is an important task, and the purpose of the drill is to test and validate US nuclear command, control and execution procedures. Vigilant Guardian is an exercise that was run in conjunction with Global Guardian. It involved a simulated bomber attack from the former Soviet Union. The drill was conducted in real time, and appeared legitimate in offices and on computers, but without any planes in the air. One of the drills included was a traditional simulated hijacking.
The National Reconnaissance Office drill that was being conducted on September 11, 2001, is the strangest. In the exercise, a simulated small aircraft crashed into one of the towers at the NRO headquarters. No plane was involved in the drill, but to simulate damage from the crash, some stairwells and exits were closed off. A bioterrorism exercise was planned for September 12, 2001. It was named Operation Tripod and included a real life test of the US plan to distribute antibiotics to an entire city population during a bioterrorism attack.
Nimda Virus
In the months before and after September 11, 2001, the United States was bombarded with a series of cyber attacks. A group of criminals exposed vulnerabilities in the Microsoft operating system, and created a buffer overflow virus, which executed arbitrary code and infected hundreds of thousands of computers. By July 19, 2001, the amount of infected hosts reached over 350,000 zombies. A series of separate viruses named Code Red I and Code Red II crippled valuable servers and made calculated attacks on US government computers.
On September 18, 2001, a new virus attacked United States operating systems. The worm was given the name Nimda, and it was an advanced version of Code Red II. Some might say that the Code Red viruses were created in preparation for the much larger Nimda attack, which was executed the week following the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Due to the release date of the virus, members of the American government speculated on a link between the cyber attacks and Al Qaeda, but this theory ended up proving unfounded. The American media did not report much on the virus because of the terrorist attacks.
Multiple propagation vectors allowed Nimda to become the Internet’s most widespread and dangerous virus. It took only 22 minutes for the worm to rip through the American financial sector, causing over $3 billion in damage. The Nimda virus was so effective because it used five different infection vectors. People could, and still can, get the virus via e-mail, open network shares, infected websites, exploitation or via back doors left behind by the Code Red II virus. The group of people behind the Nimda virus and the theft of billions of dollars are unknown. The event greatly damaged the world’s financial sector and economy.
Wave of Accidents
In the months following September 11, 2001, there was a wave of international accidents and events. On September 21, 2001, the AZF chemical factory located near Toulouse, France exploded. The event occurred when three hundred tons of ammonium nitrates ignited. The blast left a crater at the depth of 20 to 30 m (65 to 100 ft), with a diameter of 200 m (650 ft). It was a major incident in France, and 29 people were killed. The event is recognized as an environmental catastrophe, and the total damages already paid by insurance groups are exceeding 1.5 billion euros. The blast is believed to have occurred due to the improper handling of ammonium nitrate, including the mixing of chemical impurities. However, on October 2, 2001, France’s then Environment Minister, Yves Cochet, announced that the explosion “may have been a terrorist attack” and identified Hassan Jandoubi as a person of interest.
On October 4, 2001, Siberia Airlines Flight 1812 crashed over the Black Sea. The plane was en route from Tel Aviv, Israel to Novosibirsk, Russia, and all 78 people aboard were killed. The crash was initially thought to be a terrorist attack, since an Armenian plane near the scene reported seeing the Russian plane explode before it crashed into the sea. However, American intelligence reported that the crash was due to an errant S-200 surface to air missile fired as part of a Ukrainian Air Defense Forces exercise. Many people have labeled this hypothesis unlikely, considering the missiles range and safety features, claiming that the US was in fear of mass hysteria with yet another terrorist attack in the weeks following September 11. Ultimately, the government of Ukraine officially recognized their military’s fault in the accident and started negotiating compensation payments for victims’ relatives.
On November 12, 2001, the United States experienced its second deadliest aviation accident in history. It occurred when American Airlines Flight 587 crashed into a Belle Harbor neighborhood of Queens, New York. The accident took place two months after the September 11 terrorist attacks, and it caused panic in New York. Thousands of people witnessed the Airbus A300 crash to the ground, killing all 260 people on board. Many people reported a fire and explosion before the plane crashed, but the National Transportation Safety Board attributed the disaster to the first officer’s overuse of rudder controls. Al-Qaeda has listed the crash among its successes, but physical evidence was never presented indicating terrorist activity. Surprisingly, the story was widely underreported in the United States, considering the magnitude of the crash. In the months after the tragedy, rumors were circulated that suggested that the plane was exploded by a shoe bomber, similar to the failed attempt of Richard Reid, but these claims are unsubstantiated.
2001 Anthrax Attacks
Most people are familiar with the wave of anthrax attacks waged against the United States in the weeks following September, 11. Beginning on September, 18, a group of letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to US media outlets, and the offices of two US senators. In all, five people were killed in the terrorist activity, and seventeen others were seriously affected. The letters addressed to the US senators, Democrats Tom Daschle of South Dakota and Patrick Leahy of Vermont, were laced with a highly refined dry anthrax powder. Shortly after the first wave of attacks, two letters were sent to the New York Post and NBC News. The letters contained threats mentioning 9/11, and implied a new wave of terrorist activity. For this reason, it was highly reported in America that Al-Qaeda was behind the 2001 anthrax attacks.
On September 11, George W. Bush and the White House staff began taking a regimen of Cipro, which is a powerful antibiotic. This activity has led to a list of conspiracy theories accusing the US government of having pre-knowledge of the anthrax attacks. The investigation into the crimes was one of the longest and most complex in the history of law enforcement. Ultimately, investigators began to focus their attention on an American scientist named Bruce Edwards Ivins. Ivins worked at the US government’s biodefense labs at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland. After extensive research, on August 6, 2008, federal prosecutors declared Bruce Edwards Ivins to be the sole culprit of the 2001 anthrax attacks. He committed suicide on July 29, 2008, after learning that he was going to be formally charged with the crimes. One would think that a media circus would have ensued, but little was mentioned about Bruce Edwards Ivins in the US press. His motives for blaming the attacks on Al-Qaeda are unknown.
On October 26, 2001, US President George W. Bush enacted the USA PATRIOT Act. The bill was in direct response to the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11. The goal of the Act was to reduce restrictions on law enforcement and government officials when investigating criminal activity. It gave international law organizations the right to probe and search citizen’s e-mail, medical, financial and personal records. Some of the main sections of the law enacted restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering, expanded the Secretary of the Treasury’s authority to regulate financial transactions, and broadened immigration laws in regards to detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts. The bill was passed by a wide margin in the US Congress. It was supported by some people and seen as an attack on civil liberties by others.
Entire websites have been dedicated to examining the Patriot Acts apparent lack of safeguards surrounding the rights of American citizens and foreign advocates. The bill made significant amendments to over 15 important constitutional statutes. The sections of the Patriot Act discussing Internet supervision and monitoring are confusing and extensive, ultimately reaching far beyond simple e-mail correspondence. One of the most surprising aspects of the USA PATRIOT Act is the lack of public and media debate regarding its introduction. Before September 11, provisions of the Act related to electronic surveillance were proposed and highly debated. However, many people feel that the Patriot Act has helped make America a safer place and stopped terrorist activity. In the first part of 2010, Barack Obama signed a one-year extension on several provisions in the Patriot Act.
FUENTE: http://listverse.com
domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010
Extracto del texto "ESPIRITUALIDAD" del Movimiento Zeitgeist
La Ciencia ha mostrado como los humanos son sujetos a las mismas exactas fuerzas de la naturaleza como todo lo demás. Hemos aprendido que todos compartimos la misma subestructura atómica que los árboles, los pájaros, y todas las formas de vida. Hemos aprendido que no podemos vivir sin los elementos de la naturaleza… necesitamos aire limpio para respirar, comida para alimentarnos, energía del sol, etc. Cuando entendemos esta relación Simbiótica de la vida, empezamos a ver que en cuanto a lo que refiere a ‘relaciones’, nuestra relación con el planeta es la más profunda e importante. El medio por el cual esto es expresado, es Ciencia, dado que el Método Científico nos ha permitido conocer estos procesos naturales, así podemos entender mejor como ‘calzamos’ en este sistema de vida como un todo.
Esto podría ser denominado despertar ‘espiritual’.
Esta realización, que ha sido probada por la ciencia, es que los humanos no son diferentes de las otras formas de naturaleza, mientras nuestra integridad es sólo tan buena como la integridad de nuestro medio ambiente, del cual somos parte. Este entendimiento presenta una visión ‘espiritual’ enteramente diferente, porque fuerza la idea de interdependencia y conexión, en su núcleo.
La interconexión de toda la vida es innegable en el sentido más básico, y es esta ‘relación’ perpetua de interconectividad total que no es reconocida por la sociedad. Así, nuestros modos de conducta y percepciones se encuentran ampliamente fuera de línea con la naturaleza... y por ende son destructivos.
La naturaleza misma es nuestro maestro, y nuestras instituciones y filosofías sociales deberían estar derivadas de este fundacional, e invariante entendimiento ‘espiritual’.
Mientras mas rápido se esparza este despertar espiritual, más sana, pacífica y productiva se volverá la sociedad.
viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010
La distorsión y parálisis
(Extracto del texto introductorio del movimiento Zeitgeist)LÉELO COMPLETO--> http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/joomla/index.php?Itemid=69
Cuando entendamos que todos los sistemas son emergentes y están en un constante estado de evolución, junto con la realidad a la que estamos conectados de manera simbiótica con la naturaleza y con los demás de las manera más simple, pero profunda, forzándonos a concientizarnos que nuestra integridad personal es tan grande como la integridad del resto de la sociedad, entonces seremos capaces de ver cuan torcidos y al revés están los estatutos sociales, y como su perpetuación es una gran causa de la inestabilidad social. Por ejemplo, el sistema monetario ha sido considerado por mucho tiempo como una fuerza positiva en la sociedad debido a que clama la producción de incentivos y progreso. En la actualidad, el sistema monetario se ha vuelto un vehículo para la división y el control totalitario.
Es la última forma de "divide y vencerás", que en su núcleo se encuentran asumidos (los prejuicios)
1) Debemos de pelear unos con otros para poder sobrevivir; y
2) los humanos deben de tener la recompensa del "incentivo" para hacer cualquier cosa significativa.
En lo que respecta al número 1 (debemos pelear unos con otros para poder sobrevivir), esta característica de "competencia" en el sistema, garantiza la corrupción en la sociedad en cada nivel, ya que el fundamento es "ellos contra nosotros". Muchos argumentan que el "sistema de libre mercado" es bueno… pero es corrupto en los tiempos modernos debido a las malas políticas, favoritismos, bancarrotas, etc. Ellos asumen que si a un libre mercado "puro" se le permitiera florecer, entonces estaría bien. Esto erróneo , ya que lo que estás viendo actualmente es al libre mercado en acción, con todas sus desigualdades y corrupción. Ninguna ley detendrá el mercado interno, la complicidad, el monopolio, el abuso laboral, contaminación, ni la obsolencia planeada, y demás…esto es lo que un sistema competitivo produce sin fallas, ya que está basado en tomar ventaja de los demás por una ganancia, punto.
Debemos empezar la transición fuera de estos ideales opresores y movernos hacia un sistema que este "diseñado" para apoyar a seres humanos… sin forzarlos a lucha unos entre otros para sobrevivir. En lo que respecta al número 2 (los humanos deben de tener la recompensa del "incentivo" para hacer cualquier cosa significativa; ésta es solo una triste e increíblemente negativa perspectiva del ser humano en general. Para asumir que una persona debe de estar "estructuralmente motivada" o por lo tanto "forzada" para hacer algo, es simplemente absurdo. Piensa cuando eras niño y no tenías idea de lo que era el dinero: tu jugabas, eras curioso e hiciste muchas cosas… y ¿Por qué? ¡Porque querías hacerlo! Sin embargo, mientras pasa el tiempo en nuestro sistema esa curiosidad y auto motivación es despojada de la gente, así como son forzados a la especialidad, a trabajar como unidades aisladas, casi en un sistema de predeterminación laboral con el objetivo de sobrevivir. Esto, por el contrario, a menudo crea una rebelión natural dentro de la persona debido a que se forza a una obligación, y con esto llegamos a la separación holgazanería y al trabajo. La pereza asumida por los proponentes del sistema monetario (quienes proclaman la generación de incentivos) no reconocen esto. En una verdadera sociedad, la gente sigue sus inclinaciones naturales y trabajan para contribuir a la sociedad, no porque les paguen para hacerlo, sino porque tienen una gran conciencia que reconoce que la contribuir a la sociedad les ayuda tanto a ellos como a todos los demás. Éste es un alto estado de conciencia que esperamos comunicar. Tu recompensa por el bienestar de la sociedad, es el bienestar mismo de la sociedad, el cual aumenta tu mismo bienestar.
Ahora, poniendo las cosas en perspectiva, es importante entender que nuestro mundo está actualmente dirigido, sin duda alguna, por un pequeño grupo dominante de hombres de altas posiciones de las instituciones que son dominantes en los ámbitos financieros y de negocios. El establecimiento de los gobiernos está en cooperación con la influencia y el poder de las corporaciones y de los bancos. El líquido vital es el dinero, el cual es, de hecho, una ilusión que ahora tiene poca relevancia en la sociedad y sirve como una herramienta de manipulación y división en conjunto con un tipo de organización social que garantiza el elitismo, el crimen, guerra y la estratificación social.
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